Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil G.Mori - DOP Terre di Siena



Frantoio F.lli Mori

The Extra Virgin Olive Oil has always been an important production for the Farm. In the past it was done by pressing the olives in two olive-presses driven by horses, of which one is still working.
Since 2001, some of the production is carried out following the D.O.P. Terre di Siena regulations.


Cultivar - Frantoio 60%, Muraiolo 20%, Leccino 20%.
Harvest - Manually from the olive three

Pressing - Within 36/48 hours from harvesting, in a continued cycle olive-press

Quality Control- All the oil produced is subject to chemical-physical analyses and organoleptic tests with certification scores above 7/10 and expiry of 18 months from processing